Thursday, March 3, 2011

don't want an ending

it's kinda late for this post edi~ aww welllssss~ at least i blogged rite? WEE hahaah :DD

ok here goesss~

as usual we went for practice in da early of da MORNING!

although we went to school early but still we depart school at about 7 -.-''' 

better to be late then early ><"" i need myy sleep! im gettting panda eyes liaw! and it's really DEEP and super duper BLACK (t least for me it ishhh ) :'(

we walked to da something something padang (who noes wat it's name)~ :b i don't remember it okayyy~ WAHAHAH

anywaysss it's da same there -.-'' wait for about 2 hours... sitting in da middle of da road with nothing to do except day dreaming ><" 

as i said early "better to be late" ^^Y but not when it's time for studying kays! :DD it's a bad thing to dooo~ 

at 9.00 am we FINALLY went in for da practice! luckily tat day wasn't really hot~ da sun got blocked byy da puffy cloudsss~ (i love you cloudsss)

stood there to wait for da mc to intro alll da schools tat participated in da national day dance~

our school's name (in list) was at about 40+ or something? and we have stand there and wait until the mc intro all da school which ishh about 100-200+ :'( sad die us ><"!

but at least we had fun when JACKSON(a guy beside me) pulled his pants up until he made it looked like a skirt~ (to him it's like a skirt but to us? no~ hahahaha!)

here's a few pichaa of him with his handmade skirt :)

he was soo paiseh when they all asked if they could take a picture of him in his skirt (although they didn't take a pic of him with his skirt in this photo) and he was soo paiseh tat he simply pose a peace pose with a blush on his face! HAHAHAHA laugh die us! :DD

and then we took some random shots on our side... 

and it's TWY's turn to take some random shots on her side :b ...

just noticed TWY really took alot of random pichass of someone especially A! HAHAHAH can't help it~ he just pose a lot of different kind of pose for you to take! HAHAHAHAAH

she also took a whole lot of random pichasss

this ishh a super ugly side of me! hahah she just makes me laugh till i can't smile properly to da camm :pp

cute die face! :DD

and then most of us year 9 went to coffee bean! actually our tru purpose was to mean an old friend (CLAUDIA AND LI ZHI) ~ but in da end we had fun there with our usual friends~ but of cause including diaaaa and li zhii :)) although we didn't get da chance to get a photo with themm~ hahahah

H spoiler ><"" don't wanna look to da cam ><"

dunno who da heck took this? HAHAH

after all of us got out own COFFEE BEAN! then we all slowly walk back school~ luckily didn't get caught :x

then all of us just straight away go back to class (actually was suppose to go hall) and stay there for like about 2 hours until the bell rang~

there's actually nothing to do in class~ just chit-chat with friends~ some of them was really brave and took out their phones and was like playing in front of da teacher(including me but i used myy friend's phone cause i don't have one) and guess wat? the teacher doesn't care~ WAHAHA :DD

it's not always this boring one rite? :pp soo all of us got a little crazy and all 8D

cool sunglasses rite?! belongs to ZC! :DD

Group photo with your super HOT from teacher ^^Y
ST took this! me=ugly but i like da effect :))


tired~ (sleeps!) 8D

 fingers belongs to me, T , H , R  and C 8D

nice kan? hahhaha by T and R <3

end of da post for now! hahahaha hope you guys enjoyss it! BD

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