Sunday, January 23, 2011

something bout love

ok~ i noe some ppl's are having prob reading out blog~

as you guys noeee~ there's two writers here~

one ishh obviously me and da other 1 ishh fang

and wat got you guys confuse ishhh which one ish posted by me and which one's fang~

i'll teach you guyss~ (not all as some of them are smart~ they noe which one ish which)

just look at da bottom-est part of da post~ on da left and then you can see it's posted by who, like mee~

myy name's wanying soo it wrote "posted byy wanying" and blah blah blahh~

just  like this :

soo yeahhh~ don't get confuse next time kayss readers?! ^^Y

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