Sunday, January 23, 2011

After School! =D

okie~ yesterday after school~ i went to my school's book shop to work~ =D

it's was fun! =p
we work for a while only though~ cause our lunch time was from 1:00p.m till 2:00p.m~ then our lessons ends at 12:35p.m so yeah~ 

then we used our lunch time to decorate the book store with Chinese New Year's decorations! =D
it was fun! Sing Siew hangs all those stuffs up n i helped him with giving him saletape(i have no idea if i spelled it correctly or not~ =p )!

then sing siew suddenly very moody~ so we all cheered him up! by writing on his hands! i used zhencherng's ipod touch to take all those pictures so it's not with me now~ he said on Monday then only he'll give me those pictures~ so u guys have to wait to see those pictures ya! =D
but i took the ones written on my hands one! =D n also ying ying's =p

sing siew wrote this one~ =D
vincent wrote this one~ =D
n zhencherng wrote this one~ =D
this one also cherng wrote one~ ^.^

These r ying's hand~ =D
vincent + singsiew's
cherng's one! =p

sart right?! =D

then after finish designing all those~ i think sing siew lighten up a little~ or maybe a lot? LOL! =D

HAHAHAHAHAHA! i'll upload the others next time ya! =D

then oh~ when i wanted to go home liaw~ i need to take my lunch box mah~ but then vincent don't want to give it to me~ then sing siew helped me! but on one condition~ have to call him ko! HAHAHAHAHAHA! so of course i did~ then he helped me! YEAH! =D

i realized! singsiew call t.wanying "DARLING" HAHAHAHAHA! so cute! =D i think t.wanying also have call? i don't noe~ =p but they're not together de ah~ =p

(my new profile picture in Facebook) 

thanks jie n ying for helping me choose! u guys choosed both the same picture! LOL! =D 
<3 <3 <3

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