Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My dad's company party! =D

Yesterday i had a lot of fun!

went to my daddy's company party~

at first kinda boring cause every adult just talk talk talk~ then we kids~ meaning me, my family + my 2 cousin~ had nothing to do~

but then when the party almost came to an end~ some of the people got drunk! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

they we're all dancing randomly + singing randomly! then they pour waters n even some soft drinks on their body de eh! so disgusting! but then we were all laughing like hell! HAHAHHAHAHA! first time saw drunk-ers! =p

but there's some pictures~ =D

me n my lil' cousin~ =D

ying n my older cousin~ =D

me and my bro~ =p

okie~ i don't noe how to explain anymore of those stuffs that happened yesterday so SKIP! =D

to today~ ^.^v

i went to The Mall today~ saw my gang people! they went to The Mall~ then saw Rezel with her family~ then i saw AH BONG! long time didn't see him liaw! but then i don't think he recognize me or ying~ =( cause he no reaction -.- or he didn't saw us? =D

then then then! i went to Joy Land! i bought some K-Pop stuffs there! bought 4 badge altogether~ total money spent on those 4 badges is $12~ so expensive~ T.T but then i like it! so yeah! =D

oh ya! there's some songs i wanted to let u guys listen to! =D NICE ones of course~ =p >.O

Guy Sebastion- Who's that girl

Groove Cosgrove- The End

don't look at the mv~ cause i have no idea it looks like this too~ i heard this song from yesterday's party~ =p

Teen Top- Supa Luv

I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCHIE! OMG! i love their dance moves too! expecially the "oh oh oh" there! =p

my collections of badges~ =D u can see there's 7 of them~ but i only bought 3 of them~ HAHAHAAHAHA! =D the others are gift from my friends~ =p

I LOVE U THEM ALL + Kan! Always have n always will! =D <3

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