Saturday, January 15, 2011

awesome day

i had an awesome day today!!!

okok! skipped da study part!! cause today's studying ishh boringggg~ hahahah! :DD

ok! working! as you guys noeee~ i've been working in da bookshop for.. ermm.. 2 to 3 weeks? LOL nvmm~

anywaysss~ work for half and hour only then had lunch! :) 

myy lunch was spaghetti! nice lehh (Y) wahahaha :b

after lunch we went back to da bookshop to RELAX~ blerhhh :pp

1.55 then re-opened da shoppp~

well.. there's actually no one coming in-.-''' no one wanna buy books liaw T.T 

come support us larhh~ soo we can get a whole lot more salary! wahahaha pwssss~

anywaysss~ it's time for da boys to take da A4 papers to da studies office :))

those boyssss are : sing siew! which ishh daddy , vincent , soon and jian! well... jian was not one of our member but he helped us just now~ good lehh (Y) wahahaha

starting daddy called me to hop on soo he could push me to da studies office. sooo i sat on top of da A4 papersss~ but not longer than 1 minute then i come down liaw.. cause scared daddy will have have a hard time OO?! LOL

OMG! da A4 papers was soooo freaking heavy ok! we have to take two turns to get all da A4 papers up into da studies office OO?!

but of cause we had A LOT of fun! :DD laugh like siao there! AHAHAHAHAHAH!! thinking about it made me laugh tooo! HAHAHAHA!

da last turn back! sooo daddy push da some sort of trolley backk.. and i hopped on again~ and then he pushed meee again~ hahahaha

daddy was soo nice~ he really pushed me back lehhh~ but not all da wayyy because in da middle vincent jump in and daddy had a hard time pushing ittt~ sooo i hop outtt~ all welll~ hahaha :DD

at least he gave me a pushed ^^Y

welll~ tat's da end of da fun! hahahaha byesss 

-off- :b

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