Saturday, January 22, 2011

wat i misses most

short post okayss?!

omg! mummy's been baking lots of cookies and all those stuff these few dayyysss~ for da chinese new year thingy i guess? hahaah :DD

when i came back home~ i can't help but took a few of them to eat! DELICIOUS! hahahaha :DD

i can tell you guyss~ myy mummy's da best cooker or baker ever! well~ at least tat's wat i think~ wahahah :))

anywaysss~ wat i misses most ishhh mummy's cheese cake! not oreo cheese cake but sponge cheese cake! OMG! it's myy fav cake ever! <3

ahh! i want mummy to make sponge cake! MUMMY! ><""

but mummy don't 1 cause she's too busy ><"

just looking at it makes me hungry liaw :'(

i want mummy to make potato sushi too!!! ( no pictures of tat)  long time mei youu eat dao liawww :'( maybe about 5 years or more liaw warhhhh T.T

*wailsss* just hope mummy can grant myy wish! :)