Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Result sheets!

I got back my results today~ i'm going into Science class~

but then my whole family don't want me to go~ so I'm going to Art class next year -.-

i wanna go into Science class so badly! T.T

i was hoping that my parents would be totally happy bout me going into science but then NOT -.-

lol! but nvm now~ Art class is so much easier than Science class although Science class is better than Art class =p

hmm.....wondering if ShinTinn will be mad at me or not? lol! sure she will be! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

sorry ShinTinn! but i can't control this~ guess u'll have to go to Science class by urself~ >.< =p

good luck ya!

y don't u asl ur mother if u can change to Art class? my sister told me that if u're not good in Science or Maths then sure will not get good grades liaw de~ then if u didn't get good'll pull down all ur other subjects~ then u'll fail....maybe~ =D

so i think Art class is much more safer =p

although i'm still wishing i could go into Science class~ HAHAHAAHAAH =D

because my brother n sister went to Science class bwa~ i wanna be like them! =p

lol! so kekdao right? =p

hey! it's every little sister's or brother's dream okie? MAYBE! =D

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