Wednesday, December 1, 2010

follow you like a lost puppy

midnight onlining again!

whheeeeee~ hahahaahhahaha

although it's boring when i on in da middle of da night cause there's no 1 to chat with -.-'' but i can't help it~ i wanna use da computer~ wahahahah and also another reason was because i can't sleep~

afternoon : rained soo i sleep for like 3 hours? of cause i can't sleep noww~ hahahaha!

currently listening to some latest awesome musics~


today we got our results backk!!

i got #02 place in myy class! (karsoon got #01 and chloe got #03)

can't say im smart though -.-'' cause it's just in C class -.-'''

have to be in A class and get #02 baruu smart! wahahahahahahahaha

anywaysssss~ SPE result was also out! i got into art classs~

was a little disappointed at first cause i wanted to go science class~ well, myy aim was science class~

but now im ok with it after myy parents told me da advantages of being in ART CLASS!

it's a wonder tat i could still say im glad im in art class~ hahahaahha

well, tat's cause science have A mathss and A mathhss ishh soo freaking hard -.-'''

we have to enjoy our high school life ok~ :DD

fang got into science~ but daddy and mummy wants her to go in art~

at first she does not approve to their decisions~ but after having a chit chat with jiejie~ she finally agreed! :DD yay~ hahaha finally we could be in da same class! and finally we can have some fun we da teachers liaw. if you noe wat i mean?! :DD

anywaysss~ tinn got into science~ congratss to her!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ :33

till here thenn byesss~

                                    ♥ gonna miss ya ♥

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