Monday, November 29, 2010

bored to death?

the answer is! YES! My gosh! i don't feel like going to school anymore(this year) but then tomorrow is the last day liaw so i must! or else i can't see any of my friends anymore till next year -.- currently with Ron ko, Jian ko, Cynthia n Xuan in my school's computer lab~

so damn boring ah~ -.-

but then now i'm listening to Ryeowook's song so my mood is okie nia.....=p

i have nothing to blog bout ah!!!!! >.<

gah! i don't noe what to do now -.-

Wish 30th of Nov comes quickly! there's something good happening! to us + some of my other friends =p

not my graduation day~ that is a sad thing -.-

the other one is good! =p

SHINTIINN U MUST GO!!!!!!! >.< cannot don't go! T.T

or else we'll be sad de ah! T.T

it's a MUST GO!!!!! =D ^.^v

end post liaw! really have nothing to talk bout le =p

*listening to Super Junior's Shake it up! ^.^v*

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