Sunday, November 28, 2010


okok~ i noe i haven't been blogging much~

welll.. actually.. i don't blog any longer~ hahahah but tat's because there's nothing to blog about unless you guys wants me to repeat and repeat da same thing all over again?

no right? yeshh~ i noe im rite~ LOL

even if you guys wanted me to repeat da same thing~ i won't grant da wish~ cause who would want to blog about da same thing all over again? hahahaha


yesterday's event was koko's graduation ceremony!

went there cause we have to be da 1 to give out prizes? or something like tat~ hahhahaa

lots of nice performance :33

those performance are mostly performed by science class for no reason? OO 

at da end of da show was kinda sad... 

had a sad atmosphere there.. i saw lots of ppl cried.. made me felt lie crying too! but of cause i don't~ lalalalala~

rezel and ning was there to watch their brother and sister! hahaha

while waiting for myy brother to take pcihass with his friendsss~ both of them pei me and fang~ hahahaha

here's some pichasss 

after dat, we al went back hall! weo took picha with ethan! rezel also took 1~ hahaha~

it's their last day in CHMS! T.T gonna miss them alot..><""

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