Sunday, November 28, 2010

My Brithday! =D

On my birthday my mum brought me out for breakfast~ =D 

delicious! =d
Then after that my mum asked us if we wanted to buy a small cake to celebrate our birthday n we quickly say YES! =D

woots! so we went to Lee Apple after that to buy our cake~
It's beautiful + delicious! =d

*flavor= Vanila + Chocolate ice cream cake*

[ my birthday cake! =D beautiful isn't it? =p]
[me with our cake]

 [ying with our cake =p]

Then at night~ we went to Escapade =p

ate a lot! lol! ^.^v

[my mum n dad~ =D]

My mum n dad eating! =D

[my brother n us! my brother is damn funny right? HAHAHAHAHA =D ]

Then we went back home~ vained a little =p


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