Sunday, November 28, 2010

Prom Night!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥

okie! Prom nigth! =D

I had a lot of fun! =p

wish i have a time machine n turn back the time! =p
it's super fun! >.<

i don't really noe how to describe it~ LOL
so i'm gonna just show u guys the pictures! ^.^v

2 of my friends which i think deserves to be top 3 hottest over there~ there's one more person! but not in this picture =p

My last year's math teacher~ I love his Spongebob T-shirt!!!! =D

 This is also one of the top 3 people i think who dresses the hottest~ =p umm....the others i didn't really noe lah~ =D maybe i didn't really see properly their tux ^.^v

haizz....i am so gonna miss some of my friends which is not gonna be in CHMS next year~ T.T

p/s: sorry so late post this cause i'm very lazy to blog these day~ =D ^.^v

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