Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sipadan here i come!!!!! =D

that is the place where i'm going for my vacation soon! OMG right?! =D

the views over there is freakishly beautiful!!!! =p

The resort i'm staying in is Kapalai Resort~

i can go snorkeling too!!!! woots! =p miss swimming so muchie! =p ♥♥♥

look down now!!!! =D

The views are B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!!! =D

look!!!! the water r so clear! =D

we can even go diving! i wish i can! but i don't have the guts to do that~ -.- cause i'm afraid that i'll get eaten by a shark or something like that~ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA =D but of course that wouldn't happen or else y would they let tourists go diving~ -.- but then i still don't have the guts~ LOL! but MAYBE i will? =D

look! the houses r above the waters! just like Kampong Ayer except that they r above clear blue waters~ n not dirty ones =p maybe when i wake up from my beauty sleep i can immediately jump into the water n swim? HAHAHHAHAHA =D just kidding! =p

I wanna see sea turtles too! wish i could see one!

i saw before Flying Fish so i don't really wanna see that~ but if i could see it up close then it'll be more interesting~ because last time i only saw it far away~ =D

My Gosh! below the dining room r waters with fishes?! D:

*wish i won't fall down! =p*

look at the rooms!!!! IT'S HUGE! IKR?! =D

there's balcony too! That means at night i can even sit outside!!!! =p

n n n !!!! see the bathroom! u can see the windows right?! well....when u look outside it..... u can see the beach! =p go to that website above n see the slides in the website then u'll noe! =p

*change topic for a while! but it's also bout going to Sipadan =p*

okie~ i can get into Science class so i asked my mother if i could get roughly these kinds of camera (look below) but guess what? nah~ u guys don't have to guys cause maybe u guys noe the answer already~ it's a (drums rolling) NO! -.-

straight away NO lagi ah! didn't even consider T.T

the reason for me wanting the camera was because i wanted it for ages n also i wish to take these beautiful views in Sipadan or any other places! >.<

*see..... change back topic liaw~ =D*

haizz.....nvm! one day i'm sure i can get one! =p

such clear blue waters~ *sigh*

maybe i can even sit at one of these chairs n enjoy the views n also maybe vain a little! =D

OMG! i'm making myself getting more n more excited! HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA =D


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