Thursday, November 4, 2010

you can never expect wat will happen next?

today's myyy mommy's birthday~ 

and im here to wish her a

i even made her a card~


(ignored da words) ><""

anyways~ mommy woke us up at 9 to bring us out for breakfast

had breakfast for about half and hour then go back home sudah, cause mommy wanna watch a movie????

stayed at home till 11 then when out again! YAY! mommy bring us out to buy cloths again! HAHAHAHA



 went to Bingo to look for some matching outfits then went to  "iwalk" 

saw lots of nice shoes tat ishh "BUY 1 FREE 1" CHEAP LEHH!! HAHAHAHAAH

but then no gham de~ T.T

*give up*~ went to "iTop"

just went in there for about 2 mins then there's some alarm ringing -.-'''

at first we thought it was just da burglar alarm going sot sot? cause it rings for a while then stop liaw? OO

*ignored it* *continue shopping*

after about 5 mins then suddenly da alarm started ringing again -.-'''

my mommy was like "why does't da shop owner off da alarm -.-" soo loud lehh how to shop?"

 *getting annoyed*

who wouldn't get annoyed? it's soo LOUD?!

*alarm continue ring for quite a long time*

fang went in da fitting room to try out some outfits~

guess wat! da fitting room was awesome! i like their fitting rooms~ hahaha :D *random*

when fang was trying out da outfit, suddenly someone said there's fire! OO?!!

fang's still changing her cloths?! OMG! 

mommy quickly rushed fang fang saying "fang quickly! there's fire!"

and you noe wat? fang broke da recored(at least tat's wat i thought) she can change back to her outfit in 2sec? OO? WOAH! 

threee of us quickly go down~ there's ppl taking pichass -.-'' me and fang was like " why do they have to take pichass? it's not like there's something special about it? just ppl going down from above?! -.-""

hmm.. we smelled smoke while coming down but we don't see smoke -.-''  dunno which part of The Mall got on fire?

some ppl say it's Food Court? well... tat's a big chance~

anywaysss~ went back home~ and wait for da news tomolo~ 

hmmm.. wonder wat Borneo Bulletin's gonna write about? OO?


*woah~ longest post i've ever poested in myy life~ :"3*

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