Thursday, November 4, 2010

Happy Birthday to my mother! ♥♥♥♥♥♥

It's my mother's birthday today! =D

went out for breakfast today with my mother! not whole family though~ only me, my sister ying ying n my mother~ kasian~

my brother went for exams n my father went for work~ my father wanted to bring my mother out for lunch though~ but my mother denied it cause she's too full~ =D

so maybe later go lim kopi( have tea time)! =D

we wanted to go out for dinner together with my mother rather than stay at home as a celebration~ but my mother wanted to go to her line dance~ so we can't -.-

maybe Sunday then only go lah~ cause my brother won't be having exams on sunday! =D (duh! -.-)

anyways~ my mother said something today that made me laugh~ she said: Today is my birthday but i still have to pay for u guys~ (-.- )y isn't it the opposite?

HAHAHA! then i replied : Cause we don't have that much money like mummy! =D ^.^v

my mother was very kekdao~ =p

hmm......something happened when we went to The Mall~ but i'm not gonna talk bout it~ cause ying ying is blogging bout it now~ ^.^V

so SKIP! =p

after "that something happened" we went to Bata shop~ my mother bought new heels! =p

kinda nice! =D

we wanted to buy some shoes too! but then very expensive~ -.- T.T

okie~ stop here for now! i'm gonna go watch EHB! =p

bye! ^.^v 

oh ya! n also! i found some birthday songs! i wanna put one but i found 2 of them that i love! ^.^

it's for my mother!



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