Wednesday, November 3, 2010

xuan's house!

Today de training super easy eh~ LOL!

just trained for 20 min + nia~


then after that~ we(me, ying , cynthia , kally) went to canteen~ sat there for a while eating ABC but kally unique cause she ate "ice pop" honeydew flavor ~ =D\

then after that we went to Xuan's house!

super fun! we played DDR~

then xuan's sister came out to play one round( because xuan pulled her sister out to play with her once~) then we all (except for xuan) was opened-mouth! cause her sister played so expertly! O.O

she played expert mode but not one miss ah!(i think) OMG right?! O.O

after that....they all felt like going to canteen so we walked back to canteen~ but then nobody brought their money -.- very kekdao~ LOL 

so we walked to Mr. Foong's office~ but then halfway saw my daddy(fake) n some of his other friends~ =p

said hi to them then continue walking to Mr.Foong's office~

we only spent a few minutes over there though~ LOL

cause ying ying said she wanted to go canteen n buy some food to eat~

yes~ she bought some money but she didn't tell us~ her reason was because nobody asked her -.-

the reason is very kekdao right? LOL =p

anyways......after eating~ we went back home le lu~ nothing to do ler at school n also it's time for us to go back home ler =p

so now i'm here! LOL blogging bout it~

i noe this post is kinda boring n lame -.- nothing to blog bout ler leh~.......

so boring at home -.-

my parents went to Miri lagi~ even more boring-er~

but then they're coming back soon! =D

k~ stop here for now! BYE! ^.^


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