Tuesday, November 2, 2010

i just want it back the way it is

really short post for today! 

school STOP for about a week for year 8 studentsss!

starting from today! HAHAHAHA

was happy at first to noe tat we have HOLIDAYS but then now i regret being happy if can? 

cause it's super super BORING

can da day get any boring-er? OO


i've been bugging myy mummy to bring me out shopping cause i wanna but more cloths! hahaha

but then mummy won't bring me out T.T

she says she's lazy and stay at home better -.-'' and also it's -hot- soo she doesn't wanna bring me out T.T

i felt like im being lock in da jail -.-'' worst of all there's nothing to do here -.-'''

!i wanna go out!

end byess~

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