Tuesday, November 2, 2010

jokes! =D

hey guys! guess what? 

i did nothing at home this whole afternoon -.-
so bowling(boring)! -.-

anyways~ it's so damn boring at home so i went n find some books to read~
found "Readers Digest"

n i read bout a joke in it! (that's the only reason y i'm blogging~ cause i wanna type it out for u guys to read it =p)


Harry asks his friend Larry to help him with something. "I think the blinker signal on my car is broken," he says."Stand behind the car. When i turn it on, tell me if the blinker's working." 
Larry situates himself behind the car while Harry gets in the driver's seat and hits the blinker.
"Is it working?" he yells back.
"Yes!" says Larry. "No! Yes! No! Yes! No!"


is it funny? i think it's very funny! LOL 

okie~ just wanna post this~ so bye for now! =D ^.^v

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