Saturday, November 6, 2010

Feeling lost but now and then

whuttt! it's late. i noe! but i can't sleep -.-''

sooo BLOG! :D

im hyper now for no reason? but im hyper-ing alone -.-'' cause fang's asleep...

actually~ everyone's asleep~ left me alone and awake?! OO

scary ><"" not! cause im in myyy own peace and quite room~~

no one noess im awake~ lalalalal

move da lappy up to myy room. lock da door and started onlining! HAHAHAHA awesome! no 1 to tell me when to off or when to sleep~ hahahaha

anywaysss~ i've been watching this movie called "victorous"? in nickelodeon? awesome movie! hahaha

da theme song of da movie was nice(Y) but it's reli addictive~ i can't get it out off myyy head? :"3

next: saw da news today! hmm.. seems like The Mall was really on fire?! hahaha~~

end here~ nothing to blog about -.-'' byess~ ^^Y

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