Saturday, November 13, 2010

yeah! =D

Didn't i tell u guys that we'll(me, ying, cynthia n kally + maggie) be having a mini marathon competition today?

well, guess what?!
we got a medal! =D

 I'm so happy right now!

we trained so hard n now we got a medal! If we trained so hard n didn't even get a medal i'll straight away go crazy~ HAAHAHAHAH! no lah~ just kidding =p
people who got the 1st to the 20th place will get a medal~

Maggie = 11th place
 cynthia = 14th place
me = 16th place
ying = 17th place
kally = 18th place

i noe~ it's kinda last~ LOL but at least right? =D

i wish i could celebrate tonight with my parents~ like going out for dinner but my mother already prepared all the stuffs for today's food so can't~ haizz...... T.T

I didn't get to get my medal back so i can't take pictures with it n upload to let u guys see~ cause teacher want to keep it for Monday's photo taking~

So meaning on Monday only then i'll get it back~ =D

then on Monday i'll take pictures n upload it to my blog n let u guys see k? =p

my parents didn't really believe that we could get a medal -.-

sad life~ HAHAHAHA =D

they was shock when they heard that me n my sister got a medal =p

but then they were happy! =D


my brother is still having exams but all those paper 2's papers are over so maybe it is counted as finish?

3 more is just paper 1's one~ i wish my parents would think like that! >.<

cause i wanna go to Mall tomorrow! T.T

It's been decades since i went there! i mean....with my brother~ HAHAHAHAHA =D


hey! listen to this song! 

it's super cool! D: love it so muchie! >.<

p/s: my brother told me bout this~ =D


Sang by : Jason Chen & Joseph Vincent

title of the song: Just a dream + dynamite
nice isn't it?! =D

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