Saturday, November 13, 2010

another freedom

wootttssss! today's da competition!

and i was sooo nervous at first and guess wat? i could stop shaking! OO?!!

all five of us : kally, cynthia, maggie , me and fang was super nervous! ><""

when the alarms rang we quickly ran like hell! ><""

it was kinda hard actually~ and of cause tirin... duh! who wouldn't be? it's 7KM OK! -.-''''

anwayssss~ we all ran for a long time 

when we were about to reach there we could hear our pe teacher screaming! she screamed: "KUAI DIAN KUAI DIAN"

soo we couldn't stop and ran like hell to da finish like. well~ we should actually thankx her~ else we would have stopped~

soo THANKX CHER! ♥ ♥ ♥

maggie: #11

cynthia: #14

fang: #16

me: #17

kally: #18

all of us got a trophy~ :DD welll~ at least we got something back after this much training?  it's worth it~ lalalalala :"3

will upload da pichasss on monday~ when i get back myy trophy~ blerhhhh

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