Friday, November 12, 2010

competition! D:

Tomorrow is the competition! N i'm freaking out now! >.<

I'm so damn nervous! T.T
full of butterflies in my stomach~ T.T 

full of thoughts like can i get a medal? will i be the last one to reach the finishing line? i'm afraid it would rain tomorrow then i would get sick because even if it really did rain....i also MUST run -.-


i trained a little today =p althought cher told us not to train today but i still wanted to~ too afraid~

later gonna go soak my feet into hot water! cause now i'm having mucles pain -.- 

no! it did not happen because of today~ it happened because of yesterday's training~

i didn't really trained a lot today~ -.- just walk around i doesn't count~

cause i'm afraid i would suddenly fall down or sprained my ankle~ if i run too much n then tomorrow i can't participate in the competition~ then my cher will scold me -.-

okie! i'm gonna stop here! gonna go soak my feet in hot water! BYE!

wish me luck ya guys! =D

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