Thursday, November 11, 2010

run! =p

Today we ran for about 6KM

kinda tiring but then not as tiring as last time! =D cause we trained in the morning! the weather is just right for me! =p the air is so cool! ^.^
my legs are hurting quite a lot now~ >.<

haizz....can't help it~ must run! 
Saturday is the competition day~ n i'm freaking nervous right now! 

actually we've(me, ying, kally, cynthia) planed on going to Tasek tomorrow to train by ourself but my parents won't let me go so canceled -.- 
I hate it! i'm old enough ler but my parents still won't let me go! -.- can't even go to such a small place! i can't go anywhere de ah! -.-

now felt better though cause my mother said that she'll bring us to the park where it is near istana one~ she said we can train over there! =D
but then i don't noe mummy will bring us to there or not one~ haizz......>.<

anyways~ just now one of the Elf from twitter twitted a video!
Ryeowook sang it! whee!!!!! =D

awesome isn't it?! OMG! i love him so much! *fainted* 

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