Thursday, November 11, 2010

usual thoughts

heyyy reaaderrrsss!!!!

long time no blog liaw harh harh harh! hahahaha :DD

wellllll~ for me it'sss super duper long!


have been onlining in da midnight~ have you guys notice? of cause!! there's a time there~ i fixed it~ lalalalalalallaa

lol back to da question~ tat's because i can't sleep T.T 

i've been having a hard time sleeping T.T

for wat reason? i dunno T.T myyy sleeping system got a little problem liaw~ hahahahahah

anywaysss~ today's last training! 

was gonna go tasek to train with da others de.. but then parents don't reli let us and also kally didn't message me to tell me if she could go or not -.-''' soo CANCEL! :DD

but then myy mummy said tat she'll bring us go park to train~ YAY MUMMY! 

saturday's da competition! OO?! nervous ><""

but then today's training about 6km? i passed!

cher set a limit for gurls 35 and then i got 35 point something de~ ok le lehhh~ even cher said ok~ but then she still want us to run a whole lot faster to get medallllsss~ hahaha :DD

welll~ i'll try myy freaking best!!!


owh owh owhh! tomolo im gonna go cut myy hair liaw T.T.


i don't wanna cut myy long hair T.T but no choice~

now busy finding some hairstlye to cut~ wahahaha :DD

-end- byexx~

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