Wednesday, November 10, 2010

a sudden feeling of sadness

just notice tat our blog's de time cacat de? 

dunno wat goes wrong?
log in myy account and found out wat's da problem~

then WALAH!!!

i've fixed da timeeee!!!


i noe.. im lame but tat's because im freaking bored -.-'''

gonna dance DDR later~ wahahhahaha

we've been trying out "standard mode" sooo freaking awesome to play!! HAHAHA

we laught till siao liaw! hahaha :DD

tomolo training in da morning from 8- 9.30 i guess? hahaha

last practice ever then competition here we come! hope tat we could at least get medals! ><""

don't want da teachers to get dissapointed ><" :"3

tat's alll~ off to play DDR! :D