Wednesday, November 10, 2010

late at night~

i can't sleep so i'm onlining now! =D

whee! =p

my sister helped me designed the background! did u guys see it?! 

*thinking: Duh of course -.-*

i love the background so muchie! =D

especially the ryeowook part! DUH! Ryeowook is my idol! =p's 25 mins pass 12 midnight~ i noe it's late~

but i still can't sleep =p

i'm trying to play Sims but i don't noe how -.-

oh! i found 2 Sims Pet Stories! =D

wonder who bought 2 of them -.- LOL! =D

okie~ i'm gonna off now~ i mean off from blogging~ not from playing the computer~ =D

bye! =p

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