Wednesday, November 10, 2010

a new layout, a new style

HEY! have you guys seen our NEWEST layout!

harh! harh! harh! have you!?

wellll~ DUH! hahaha when you guys saw this post meaning you guys have SEEN our NEWEST LAYOUT! HAHAHAHA

designer: wansien

editer: wansien

wansien meaning myy JIEJIE!!! HAHAHAHAH

i love her sooo damn much!

she did a lot for us lehh! HAHAHHAHA

and im here to say 

♥♥♥ !Thank you jie! ♥♥♥
dunno where to find such awesome sister huh? HAHAHA :DD
anywayssss~ somepetion's on sat~

feels reli nervous now ><""""

hahahahha~ just hopess dat all of us CHMS could get some medalsss~ hahahahahah

owhh! jsut noe tat cynthia's getting better! her leg's ok now~ but she won't be going for training T.T 

all wellssss~ at least she's going for da competition! :DD!

hmm... rain haven't even stop till now! OO??

it started raining like from da afternoon? although im not sure wat time? because i was happily having myy nap~ slept like for 3 hours! hahaha bohhh biannn~ i was freaking tired ><'''

and now~ i have panda eyesss -.-'' better get some sleep soon! hahahaha

didn't eat dinner just now~ not hungry sooo i had supper hahahah!!

i found some awesome + delicious cookiesss! hahah didn't noe tat there's this kind of delicious cookiess! hahaa

hmm.. the cookies's name ishh "farmbake cookies" i guess? hahahaha not sure~ dunno? see for your self thenn~ hahah

bought it in supasave~ dunno who bought it? mummy i guess? hahaha

you guys have to try it! hahaha i could help but take another 1~ hahahaha but of cause. for me ishh deeeelicioussss. dunno for you guys ishh da same or not? :pp

tat's all thennn.. da point of this post ishh to thank myy jie! byexx~

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