Saturday, October 2, 2010

somebody to love

haven't been BLOGGING for sooooo LONGGG~ hahaaha

nothing to blog bwahh~

everyday blog the same same same niaaa~ hahahah

one day you guys will get bored if i always blog about myy day life.. HAHAHAHA

i still got nothing to blog... just post for shuang de! LOL

now in school de computer labbb.. lalalalalal

computer labb can't go FACEBOOK de! *wailss* T.T

soo sienn arhh... wanna on facebook play MALL WORLD! HAHAH

recently ..  i've been crazy over MALL WORLD in facebook~ hahaha dunno whyy? ;p


tweet tweet tweet! im tweeting noww~ hahaha~

bacckk home continue bloggin~ :DD

after school~ ... run here run there cause meimeixxx gonna POKE US!! OO!!

US = me, tinn and fang~ hahaha

run till super tired arhh ><"" HAHAH

tat's all thenn~ byexx :o)

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