Thursday, September 30, 2010

Happy Birthday to my BFF, REZEL n my Idol "KAN" / Teacher's day! ♥

It's my BFF's birthday today! her name is "REZEL"!!!!!!!  ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
We surprised her with a birthday cake today! 
she's damn happy? i don't noe~ but sure wish is! =D
pictures time! :
Last time pictures first......

Today pictures! 

FYI! they r not BF GF~ just telling~ cause they really look like one right? i think so! but they r just buddies~ ^.^

So damn fun today~ =D

but then oh~ i think some of my classmates aren't happy with us? cause we didn't invite them~ but then the reason we can't invite u guys was because we don't have enough money to buy such a large cat for all of us to eat! only can buy one small one.....

if u guys were thinking like just invite us only....don't have to let us eat the cake but then if we don't.....we'll feel very uncomfortable cause we are like eating n playing with the cake but u guys aren't~ so yeah~ sorry guys! >.< we r really sorry! T.T

It's also Kan's Birthday today!!!!! =D

Happy Birthday to u Kan! i'll love u always! =D ♥

then~ before Rezel's birthday 'PARTEY"

there's a celebration for teacher's day!

the performances r kinda boring though~ but some very cool! =D

before we went to the hall to see the performances....guess what Y8B did?

we drew n say our thanks to all our teachers on the whiteboard(although only 2 teachers saw it -.-)


 my chinese teacher!

 my gang n my chinese teacher! =p

 one of my classmate(who is super tall! taller than some of the From 5s) is reading his story book n like not into teacher's day de -.- LOL =p

three class clowns! but still have 2 more lagi! =D which is not in this pictures~ HAHAHA =p

can u guys see which one is mine?! =p


 My form teacher / commerce teacher , MISS SIM! =D

 me n my gang with Miss Sim but missing 4 lagi =p

 the girls n Miss Sim in my class~ although some didn't come to school =(

Miss Sim n the boys in my class although not all of them r present~ some didn't come to school also~ =(
 Miss Sim n my lengluii friend, Cui Ting! =p

i even took a video when my teacher came n n we all said "Happy Teacher's Day!!!!" n asked her to look to her back ^.^

paiseh but we vained a little~ HAHAHA but only 2 pictures nia~ =D

enjoy! ♥


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