Sunday, October 3, 2010

tired -.-

Today got chase by my 2 meisz~ very tired ah! >.<

we were freaking scared when we walk to the canteen! 

kept on looking back so that we can prepare to run if they came after us! HAHAHA =p

Then when we almost reach the canteen......they came running from the other sides ah! >.<

we freaked out u noe?! HAHAHA =p

Then we quickly run round the school! LOL! but we still end up at the canteen cause we wanted to buy something to eat~ >.<

Jian ko n Yuan Hao ko helped us~ lol! they helped us look out for them~ 

THANK YOU GUYS! exercised( played DDR)~ but then 

*playing the song lonely by Akon* HAHAHAH =p 

cause my brother n sister is playing with the computer so they can't exercise with me -.-

My friends told me that B2ST had a new song?

but then i saw that MV in asian takeaway( in channel 713) before le leh!  O.O

GUYS! is it this MV?o.o their dance moves! =p

so cool! 

n also i've been so in love with these songs! :

OMG! is that one of the SNSD's member?o.o

LOL! i don't noe that! i only always heard this song from "Music Bank" HAHAH =p

I love the singer n also the guy playing the guitar( the one with the gold-yellowish hair! =p) the others i don't noe~ cause i can't see their face~ =p ^^V

n also freaking love this song too! although it's quite long le~ ^.^V

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