Tuesday, September 21, 2010

♥ together and always will ♥


bells ringing and the classes begins!

a new day a new start

exams are coming up and now i'm gonna start studying again -,-''''

haven't stop studying since first trail -.-''

haixx.. zhen shi xing ku arhh ><""


today's an exciting day!!

xiao ting just came bak on sundayy from kuching :pp

she bought us lotx and lotx of pwesent for da zarbohh lehh~ hahaha :DD

here are some pwesent from her to me! :33

nice pwesent she gave me rite rite rite! hahahaha

especially da cow!! i can't be a pillow and it can be a stuff toy use for hugging :pp

♥ ♥ ♥ 

will surely buy her bak something if i got go anywhere~ HAHAHA

if i can find lahh of cuxx~

tat's a promise i make! :33

here's a songx i find it nice in Music Bank (Y)

she's reli reli pretty :DD

 her hairstyle's quite nice too! (Y) hahaha :pp

tat's all thenn byexx :DD

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