Wednesday, September 22, 2010

computer lab! =p

I'm in my school's computer lab right now!

actually~ i'm not suppose to be in the computer lab right now~ lol

i was suppose to be looking for one of the consellors but then don't noe where my school's consellor went to....

so...i went to find another consellor but then the other consellor is also not at his office~ kekdao right?

we went to the office to find them but not there....

we went to the library to find them but they're not there either......

we went to the computer lab to find them but still not there~

n so....we end up here~ LOL

in the computer lab~ =D

p/s: we as in: cynthia, me , kally n rezel~


it's almost 1:30p.m right now~ so i better get going~ maybe my car is here right now le~

but i'm 90% sure~ LOL!

bye bye!!!! =D ^. ^ =p

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