Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Happy Birthday to my brother!!!!! ♥

Today is my brother's birthday! =p

my brother sometimes didn't like to get his photo taken~ n that sometimes is always with us -.-
so its not proper at these 2 pictures~ LOL but funny right? =D

we're gonna go out to eat tonight!

don't noe where to go.....
luckily birthday boy/man will wish! lol!

no place in my mind to celebrate except for "excapade sushi" but then always go there one.....go till sien liaw~ LOL!

i didn't get to be the first to wish my brother happy birthday~ T.T
i told him that i wanted to go into his room n wake him up at 12 midnight to wish him a happy birthday~ but then.....bad move!

he told me he'll lock the door! at first i thought he was just kidding but actually it is true! >.<
cause at 12 midnight sharp~ i went to open my brother's door but it won't open~ T.T

so that's y i didn't get to be the first or else i'll get to be le~ T.T
okie~ it's almost time for me to go to school now!

so....ta-ta!!!! =D ^.^
Happy Birthday Brother!!!! =p

love u always! =p  

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