Saturday, September 18, 2010

nothing can change this

im missing myy sister soo damn much! ><""

im not use to the atmosphere here when she's not her T.T

when we finally finish our test and can have some quality time with her.. and then she goes bak to UK  sudah

i really miss a lot of things we did together...

  • i miss the times when we went out for breakfast with mummy...
  • i miss the times when we went for a walk in da evening with fei fei, remoe, and mimi...
  • i miss the times when u drive us out for a stroll...
  •  i miss the times when we stayed in bed talking to each other until late at nights...
  • i miss the times when we felt hungry and quietly went downstairs to cook mee goreng... 
  • i miss the times when i nag u to play with me cause im bored...
  • i miss the time when i felt alone and u would pei wo...
  •  i miss shopping with u...
  • i miss sharing scrects with u..
  • i miss gossiping with u...

jie i just miss u soo much! T.T

i dunno y but the second time u left .. it just  felt much harder..

sometimes i couldn't help but started crying ..

i hope time could pass quickly ....


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