Sunday, September 19, 2010

Cuzzy! =p

Last Thursday, my cuzzy came to my house! =p

so damn fun! 
duh! who doesn't like their own cousins to come to their house! =D

my parents went out for dinner so my sister made Japanese Curry for us! =p
I helped a little! ^.^V

then oh! when i peel the potato~ i cut my finger ah! no lah~ not that bad....only cut my nails nia =p


look! my finger nails! LOL the shape cacat liaw =p

*i didn't edit this picture so it isn't as nice as the others ^.^V *

my "tang mei" talking to ying ying~ =p

me n my 'tang mei'!!! ^.^V

 me n my 'tang mei' is being a teacher n testing my 'tang ge' LOL! =p

look! my sister is just behind!!!! (T.T)

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