Saturday, September 18, 2010

wo shi shui

guess whose birthday is it today!! wahahahahaaha

obviously it's kally's



[kally's the person on da left :33 in case ya guys don't noe :pp]

although those who noes her noes this already but this post ishh to those who doesn't noe her! hope euu guys can wish her happy birthday in her facebook! wahahahaha

here's a song for euu kalai! :DD

happy birthday to u

u live in a zoo

u look like a monkey

happy birthday to u!!

don't get offended kalai.. it's just a song.. cause i don't wanna sing a song like the other~.. wahahahah sowi if i offended euu :DD

hope euu can forgive me :pp

tat's all thennxx byess :33

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