Thursday, September 23, 2010

listen to you

just now went to the mall~ hahaha go ther buy dinner for tonight LOL

went there also got another reason.. go there buy webcam and head set! wahahahaha

dee xiang told me where to buy de.. else i wouldn't noe.. hahahahahaha thankx dee xiang!! :33

here are some of da pichass off da webcamm :p

there are soo many patterns tat you can choose to put leh~ haha :DD

we choose pink cause we luv pink! haha and pink ishh for gurlss :p

here some of da pichass of da head set :

there are two colours lehh~ hahah one blue one white~

doesn't mean i bought two arhh..:pp

here's a song sang by kyuhyun ♥'s him! :33 my jie jie intro to me de :pp

reli funny and also super C-U-T-E!!!! hahaha luvs him more!!! :DD

here's a song sang by leeU and kyuhyun

LeeU ishh from F.CUZ which i luv da most in da group and kyuhyun ... euu guys should now he's from where~ obviously from SUJU! :pp hahahaha

tat's all then~ byexx.. bak oovooing with myy sister :pp

although it's a little blur but aww well~ haha miss her soo damn much! :33

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