Saturday, September 25, 2010

I'm No.1


one of my friend got hit on the nose by accident n it started bleeding like hell ah at school today! >.<
i didn't saw it because i wasn't with him today~ i was in class n he was standing outside the corridor talking + playing with his friends~

i got the news from elle =p
elle told me that he's bleeding then at first i thought it was like a cut~

but then he's my ko ko(fake) mah~ so have to go see =p
then got shocked cause a lot of blood ah! >.<

then he went to nurse.....
i didn't went with him cause my legs are hurting more than the first day~ HAHAH =D

so i waited in class =p
i got the news that he was okie from some of the zarbohhs that went with him =D ^.^

luckily i noe! HAHAHAHA =p
okie~ gonna end here for now~ i'm gonna go edit some of my vain pictures!(got back my pendrive le so can liaw! =D ^.^)


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