Thursday, September 23, 2010

duo de bu zhi dao de shi.....

Had a load of fun today......=D

but then early morning not really fun~ >.<
cause my Geo teacher gave us a punishment for not bring our Y7 Geo workbook~
but i thought that teacher asked us to bring it on Friday~ >.<

before Geo period.....i went up to the Y7 de block~ to borrow Y7 Geo textbook from Michelle(my meiz  ♥)

but then her form teacher was there so no chance -.-

 so we went down lu~

some Y7 de boys sitting on the staircase....we i said : 'cuse me......they seemed like deaf one~


one of the boys over there said to the other one : rang lu (meaning: give way) but then the other one said: y? they have mouth to say excuse me one!

EH! i already said excuse me le leh! u deaf le! -.-

so freaking mad! cause i didn't even did anything wrong -.-'s joelle who told me that~ i believe she said that cause i think i heard somebody talk too =p

keksi wo -.-

anyways......during Geo period.....teacher asked who didn't bring then a lot of people didn't bring in my class (but not half of it =p)?

so we all stand up lu~ then after her period....she gave us a punishment which is to write "Hereby, i will remember to bring my Geography workbook everyday" 50 times ah!


after we wrote finish....our hands almost break le ah! we used up out 20 minutes break to finish it up~ T.T

anyways......lunch and kally played the running....then.....slide down the floor thingi....aiya i don't noe how to explain lah~ but lots of fun too! =p
then chinese period......okie lah~ HAHA



love P.E so damn muchie!

but then! today didn't get to play javelin! >.<

cause raining.....stupid rain -.-


so teacher let us play ball......

but before that~ teacher asked up to go frog jumping~

so freaking tired ah!

now my legs felt so sore >.< T.T

can't even walk properly...... 

after P.E, me ny my friends went to buy drink cause too thirsty~ LOL

then when i came back aunty made drinks for us again~

then i have to drink again~ cause nobody is drinking it n i'm scared that my aunty will be broken hearted cause maybe she will think she made it not nice to drink~

so now!

my stomach is full of water~  


YEAH! tonight can watch again "dang wo men tong zai yi qi" =p

then have to study from 8:00p.m till 9:00p.m then can watch CSI!

 Justin Bieber is gonna be on that show.....i think as a bad guy? or as one of the gangster~ LOL =p

my friend, rezel, told me that~

n now i'm confirmed bout it cause just now Justin Bieber tweeted bout it~ =p

yeah...i noe....i followed Justin Bieber in twitter~

but i also did follow a lot of SupaStars in twitter!

especially SUPER JUNIOR! n also people who helped translate the things that SUPER JUNIOR tweet bout.... =D

oh ya!

xuan lend me one of her chinese manga~


i read only a little cause i'm not very good at chinese as u all noes =p

i'm freaking slow at reading chinese mangas!

no! not only chinese....english also ah!

i don't noe y too! LOL =p



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