Sunday, September 12, 2010

friends came to my house! =p

Yesterday my friends came to my house! fun? i don't noe~ cause we only did history project~

in the middle~ we went out of *the thing to make our model de- don't want to say it out load or else later other people will copy us! =D*
so i asked my father to bring us to go Hua Ho Kiulap to buy it! so damn nice ah going out with friends~ even if its only just a few minutes also fun! =D

although we r kinda noisy~ LOL but then it's still super fun! =p
we = me, cynthia, kally, kang yuan hao - ko, rezel~

after that we went back home n continue doing our~

now i don't noe how to do the round shape thingi on the top of the mosque le!!!! >.<

i also don't noe if this model can be good or not~ cause we did something wrong! n that thing is super important one! >.<


nvm~ i'll try fixing it~ LOL =p


Yesterday night i video call with :elle, kally, ronald n zhencherng!


but then oh~ some of their faces i can't see -.- its either something happen to their camera or something else(?)

Kally de camera sot sot de! it showed a face of a cat instead of her face! LOL 

very kekdao ah =p

After that.....

i played "Guess the Sketch Challenge!" 

i played it with my sister, ying, zhencherng n frank!

u have to dram something over here:

then u have to guess what the person is drawing over here:

u guys have to go try n play it! its really cool!

can play with other people u don't noe de lah~ but then oh~ i never play like that before~ LOL

yesterday was my first time! =D

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