Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Mall 2 times!

Guess what?! =D

I'm going to The Mall today with my older sister n brother (of course plus ying ying =p)
YEAH! finally!!!! =D

then tomorrow i can go again to The Mall! This time with my sister's friends ( exclude my brother though =(    )

n also! i can go watch movie with them! yeah! i mean! watching movie is for no....just SHOPPING! =D

i'm super excited about going to watch movie! 

what? i seldom go watch movie ok? =p
only 2 weeks once on Sunday then only i can go out de ah~ n u guys no de lah.....Sunday de tickets r very expensive! >.<

I'm super hungry right now! >.<

y not go cook mi goreng n eat? cause i'm afraid oh....later when i eat le n my stomach is very full le.....then my sister will go n ask : wanna eat the pop mees from Japan?
Then i die lu! cause i freaking wanna eat those pop mees!!!!! =D

woots! i can bring my new bag when i go The Mall today!!!!! =D


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