Saturday, September 11, 2010

can't stop thinking

it's been like a 100 days now but i just can't finish myy history project! ><""

although we did go shyan shyan's house to do da project sudah~ but then we just did the typing there~..

although it just left for the finding pichass~ but it's hard to find pichass too T.T *wailsss*

all day long i just sits in front of da computer doing myyy history project while listening to musicc of cuxx~ hahahaha exclude the faceboook of cuxx~ hahaahahahahah :DD

will.. i'm just soo stress of da history..

now i don't just have history to worry about..

but then i still have maths.. english n science to worry about! T.T

the science we have to do something about fixing a socket.. but i don't even noe a single thing how to do it -.-''''

english we have to do something.. i don't even noe wat should we do -.-'' cher just called uss to choose a topic... n give details about da topic i guess? hahaha cher should have given uss a topic to make out life easier -.-'''' there's lots off stuff we can talk about in this world yaa noe -.-''' nvm.. skip da english~

now maths..cher called us to choose at least 6 topic from year 7 n 8.. hmm.. dunno which topic to choose lehh..><""

thought our holiday should be FUN! but i was wrong -.-'' we had to do project all day long -.-''' all well.. back to work thenn~..


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