Thursday, June 10, 2010


I'm tired!!!!

Not because i'm sleepy but it's because i read too many Malay story books today~ T.T

I have to read another Malay story book again ah~

cause tomorrow i have to give back the 2 malay books that i've borrowed from the library~

I have to give it back tomorrow cause i need(no it's a must!) borrow another 2 more books~

I kept on borrowing Malay books cause its a Malay project~ n its due after our holiday~

I don't noe during the holiday if the library is gonna open or not(in CHMS)

any idea?o.o



I just realize!!!! 

*Foo Ming told me de actually. thankz Foo Ming <3!*

that i still need to write a english summary!!! T.T


tired ah!!! T.T

have to enjoy my moment right now~

cause after using computer i have to go n continue reading my "Malay" story book lagi~


bah gonna stop blogging right now~

have to find something fun to do~ or else later no time le~ =D


bye bye!

nights readers~ =p

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