Friday, June 11, 2010

Y8B's class trip! one word.....AMAZING!!!!!!

Today Y8B de class trip!

We went to Empire Hotel! WOOTS!!!!

I used up most of my "paradise time" to go into the swimming pool n play with my friends! (JSGX & claudia)


In the middle of my "paradise time", suddenly bo mood~ cause I feel like Y8D was like avoiding us when we wanted to talk to them de shi hou~

N also they say me n my friends go n scold them( behind their back de) but we didn't even do that!

We only ask yiru n oh oh if u guys can go. n if u guys have go~ i want to play with u guys~

we didn't even don't want u guys to go~ T.T

but after that of course continue my "paradise time" lagi lu~ =p

We also went to the hot hot..... Jacuzzi!

then after a few minutes soaking in the Jacuzzi~ we quickly went into the swimming pool!(which is beside the Jacuzzi~)

Then i was like screaming(not so loud) cause very very cold ah!

But then the feeling was very very nice!~ =D


my friend Kally, Rezel n cynthia did go n ride the the bout~ i don't noe how to describe it lah~

but i'll show u guys the picture!

k i'm gonna start from here n show u guys some pictures~ n maybe will explain it if it needs any explanation~ =D =p

[kind of dark isn't it? lol! =p]

[The boat that i don't noe how to describe de!!!!! =D]

[group photo!!!! although half of it wasn't in here yet~ =p]

[eating lunch de shi hou~ ^^Y~ although i just ate a small plate of fried mee hon~ =p]

[claudia A.k.A dia2 for the ones who noe her very well~ =p]

[She's very beautiful right???!!!!! I AGREE!!!! =p]

[The view in Empire Hotel was VERY VERY beautiful!!!]

Can't really see their faces~ lol! =p]

[In the toilet with my friends after changing into our clean clothes, then we vain~ =p]

ok~ that's THE END!

U guys can see that i had a lot of fun right?! =D =p

bye bye!!

maybe now i'm gonna uploda these pictures into facebook le~ ^^Y =p

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