Wednesday, June 9, 2010

class trip for Y8B!


Friday which is on the 11 of June, Y8B's going to class trip! =p

also have some not Y8B's students which is my sister, ying ying, one of the ex Y8B students but move to kk le~, Nur ain n one of my BFF n ever which is claudia!~

i can't wait!!!!!

Guess where we're going??


If anyone guess it's Empire Hotel then it's a "ding ding ding" n "CONGRANTS U WIN!!!! =p"


if anyone guess it's other places which is not Empire Hotel then it's a "BEEP" for u guys~
n also "sorry wrong answer~ =p"

oh ya! Dia2! u can go? u have red colour t-shirt? cause me, ying, cynthia, kally rezel, li yuen safiah r planning on wearing red t-shirt together~

u have?

if don't have nevermind~ u'll be the unique one in our group if u don't have! =p

Dia! u must come oH! =p


shintinn jie can't come though =(

cause she have church so she can't come~ 


wish u can go though =(


k~ i'm doing my projects right now~(u notice the "s" in the word projects? that means i'm doing more than one project~=( lazy to do T.T)

so i'm gonna have to end here~ no it's a must actually~ lol!

k~ bye guys! =D

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