Thursday, June 17, 2010

Miss my mother!


I miss my mother!!!! =(

She went to KK today at around 6:30a.m so i didn't get to say hug her goodbye or even say goodbye! T.T

I was thinking of waking up at 6:00a.m but i overslept~ T.T n also i forgotten to set the alarm.....

haizzz.....kasian ah!!!! T.T

It's only just 2 hours that she went to KK, but i'm already missing her so damn much!!! T.T

nvm i have other things to think bout....i think~ =D


I have to finish reading 2 malay books today!!!! cause i'm wishing to go to my school's library tomorrow n borrow another 2 for some reasons that i'm lazy to type it out cause it will be a very very long.......story~ n also i'm afraid that u guys won't understand what i'm saying =D

anyways....i'm gonna stop here cause i want to post another post....later u guys r gonna see it! =D =p

*not gonna say bye....only at another post cause i'm gonna post another post~* =D

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