Thursday, June 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Bryan Tham Wei Hong!!!!

Today's "guest of honor" in my blog is...........*drums rolling*


*i edit the picture by myself so i don't noe if it's good or not =p*

Give him a round of applause guys!!!!

Today is his birthday! Remember to go to his facebook (!/profile.php?id=1339986145&ref=ts) n wish him a "Happy Birthday" ya! =D

please n than you guys! =p

But if u guys don't want than it's ok~ but at least please wish him a happy birthday~ =D

let's sing the happy birthday song for him!!!!:

Happy Birthday to u,
happy birthday to u,
happy birthday my dear friend,
happy birthday to U!

*applause* woots!!! =D

hmm.......i don't noe if he'll see this or not......nvm i shall go to his fb wall n ask him to see~ =D

lol! =p

Woah! we've been in the same class for like.....8 or 9 years(?) already! It's a long long time~ haha~ *can't believe it!*

i'm gonna post some other photos of him ya!

(p/s: i didn't edit de oh! cause i have no time~ sorry!=D)

Thank you guys! n Thank you ah Tham (if u did see this~) =D

Happy Birthday THAM! =p

chao! ^.^

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