Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I'm feeling better every minute....i think =p

I mean i don't have any muscle's plain or body very hot but feels very cold le~ just only stomach ache~

I don't noe what happen to me. haizz.... =(

My mummy force me to eat medicine... i don't like! very bitter T.T


Tomorrow my mum going to KK with her Tai Chi friends..... boo hoo..... will be more boring le! -.-

She's coming back on Sunday though. But very long leh =.=


I wish i can go school on Friday~ cause i want to borrow malay books....cause i forgot to do something....(lazy to say the whole story n also afraid that u guys don't noe what i'm talking bout =p)


My sister is coming back next next week!!!!! yeah!!!!

10 more days than she's coming back le!!!! =D

Finally man! really! finally!!!!

oh ya jie!

This saturday cannot skype cause mummy go KK but i can online n chat with u! =p

k~ stop here for now~ nothing to blog bout le~

chao! =D =p ^.^ ^^V

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