Sunday, January 31, 2010


[Wan Fang]

Sunday is quite boring for me except when i can go shopping but today it's VERY boring!

Nobody to chat with T.T

Now i'm currently listening to Westlife - You Raise Me Up.

I'm singing it along too...... =D

I haven't finish my chinese project. I only made n also choose finish the story~
But i haven't write my "gan xiang" about the story =D

Yesterday's dinner party~

[Wan Fang]

I don't even noe where i went i only noe that it's very boring over there!

The reception over there very low so when i'm using my dad's or my mum's phone it's very lagging. I have to find signal lagi~
But then it's kinda hilarious at the end cause everybody was drunk(except for all the girls n some of my father's friends)~

Especially one of my father's friend. And also another one. He kept on asking all of us ( the girls) to drink "jui". I drank 3 mouthful of whiskey n 1 mouthful of red wine. The whiskey was very untasteful! I think i would prefer drinking red wine than whiskey~

My father friends keep on singing ( because they are drunk ).

Me n ying had taken pictures with my cousin over there but i don't noe where my camera is now so maybe next time then only i will upload the pictures =D
I also have taken video my cousin n also my brother dinking red wine. But it's just for a while~
lol =p

bah gtg now~


Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Sunset~

[Wan Fang]

These days i always went out kia kia with ying n also sometimes my brother also~

I'd taken a lot of sunsets pictures but i'm gonna post a few pictures of it only =p
here goes.......

Beautiful mah? o.o

I think it's beauiful =D

[Wan Fang]

Today i'm going out dinner with my family n also my dad's company's people~

It is my first time leh~

Don't noe how it'll be like =D

I also don't noe what to wear!!!

Today nothing happen to me but for one of my sistarz have~

But i'm not gonna tell =p

Now currently chatting with ying ying de lao gong but then don't noe what to talk bout~

I always don't noe what to talk to him =D

Bah gtg now~

I'm gonna upload pictures into my fb =p



Thursday, January 28, 2010

Glowing lollipop~

[It's kinda dark but the main point is the glowing lollipop so it's ok =p]

[Wan Fang]

Heehee now i'm eating glowing lollipop gave by Rubeh (Ruby)~ =D

I don't really like this flavour though~

I also don't noe what this flavour is..........

It's very boring now~

Nobody to chat with T.T


No mood to blog le


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

US Marshal~

I just finish watching US Marshal. Very nice ah! although i just watched from the middle~

Very exciting u noe~

But also some part very scary n that was when someone needs to die le (duh! =.=).

Sorry gtg now~

Mummy n daddy came back le~ =D

Monday, January 25, 2010

[Wan Fang]

Today at school teachers kept on talking bout Haiti's earthquake~

It's very sad~

Now i'm gonna google bout it~

I wanna noe all the stories =D

Though i think i will cry after reading all bout it ......or......i will not =p

If i can online longer i'll post some of the pictures but i can't online that long~ 

Wish i could blog bout it~

gtg le~

I'm gonna be bz findinginfromation bout the Haiti's earthquake =D


Sunday, January 24, 2010

[Wan Fang]

Now nothing to do~

Nobody to chat with =(

I haven't thought of a name for my scrapbook!

I don't noe what to call cause i don't noe what my teacher wants me to do!

Don't noe what to do T.T

My mummy don't wanna help cause she also don't noe how~

lol =p

never mind i'll think of something ^^ =p
[Wan Fang]

Today my new maid came le~

She's quite beautiful even my mummy also say =D

Now webcam-ing with someone u guys don't noe~

 except for some of my friends =p

I think......

Bah need to off le~

Brother wanna use =p


Saturday, January 23, 2010

[Wan Fang]

Yesterday night when I'm studying i'd thought of this de =p

So sien so i made it~

Ying ying also help me =D

It's all my sistarz name =p

*Wan Sien(my real sister)*

*Ying!( my other real sister)*

*I love u!*


*Kally *

*Shin Tinn*


*Wan Fang! ( ME!)

We saved a lot of coins so we made this~

Nice mah? =p

I think it's very nice =D



[Wan Fang]

I am back~~~~~~


I just came back from school~

Mummy not at home so i can use =D

Today at school so funny~

But i don't noe how to explain~

Just now i saw a black cat went n attack my cute MiMi~

I hate that black cat!

Now doing my chores T.T

Yeah! My new maid will be coming on Sunday or on Monday =p

So that means i won't have to do chores le although i like helping =D

I wish my new maid will be very friendly~


Friday, January 22, 2010

[Wan Fang]

I can online today~

because ying ying beg my mum to on the computer so that we can use it~ lol =p

Although we used already yesterday night~ but then i think my mum also let us use cause we helped my mum do house chores *especially me* =D

Ying ying only vacuum upstairs n i vacumm downstairs(larger area), help my mum sweep the staircase~ N also help my mum squeeze out the juices from the passion fruits~

Now i'm very tired =.=

Later have to study again~


I bought finish my CNY clothes le~ =D

Mummy bought a lot for us~

We went to HK n KK to buy our CNY clothes de~

I love my clothes so much!!!

Before going back to my hometown, i'm gonna take pictures n post it in my blog =p

Thursday, January 21, 2010

[Wan Fang]

Currently chatting, checking fb/ plurk/ twitter n my blog~

But it's still very boring =.=


Now nobody to chat with le~

so i'm currently chatting, checking fb/ plurk/ twitter n my blog

Just learn how to strike through the word =p

Just only learn it a few seconds ago =D

Li hai leh~

lol! jk =p

Ying i'm smarter then u leh~ lol jk =p

I'm not smarter then ying =.=

bah stop here now

I'm gonna go download songz =p

bye bye

good night ^^ =D


nothing to blog...soo i choose this topic to blog..^^

hope euu guys don't mind..=S

first of all...i just saw 2 lizard mating!..><

hahax~...force my cat to have a pic with me..=p

i think this fewww pic of the sky is reli reli nice..=p

just wanna shared it with euu guysss..=D

guess whattt~..

my cat's got sssuspended from coming in the house ..><


cause they're toooo busuk..=D

anyways...tattt's all for my randommm topicc..

hope euu guysss enjoy.^^

post by:
[actual date: 21 jan 10]
[Wan Fang]
Lol~ nothing to post lah~

Nothing happen today~

Only that Mr.Prince ask me to help him do something~

Already done finish~ =D

but don't noe teacher will want it like that/ like it like that~


Later if i can online then i will post lagi~


Maybe not le cause i can't use desktop =p

Only can use laptop T.T so that means i can't post pictures.....

Bah gtg now~

bye =p

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

At the Computer Lab~

[Wan Fang]

I'm currently in the computer lab right now~

One of my teacher bought us here cause it's a relief class! 

Good leh~

But i would rather choose go back home early then going to computer lab =(

But we can't le~ so 2:30 then only can go back home T.T

 So sien ah~

Jie don't be angry with me lah~

N also ying ur last post didn't type ur name~

Edit it!

N also joelle wants u to delete that picture but i also don't want so u can change it only =p

Next lesson le~

Bye~ =p

Monday, January 18, 2010




don't fight liaw lah..><

wo hen xing ku leh..><

i want euu guys to hao hui..=D

soo we can go kia kia together leh..=p

pls pls pls pls pls ! OO

mei..pls forgive jie lah..=D


*i'm begging euu...



at skull computer lab tou tou yong internet!~

dunno how to blog lah..><

if don't blog..later viewers scold me...TT [kasian a wo]~



lol...i'm lame..><

have to go le...recess's coming!.=D

byez~ =^^=


Sunday, January 17, 2010

At home~

Ok i'm using my bro's phone right now so I can't put any pictures =p

Actually i'm not gonna use any pictures in this post . Lol

My house is currently not having any electricity cause somebody is fixing the electricity thingi =p

So that's y i'm not using computer to post this. It's kinda boring! I can't do my chores, I can't play computer or anything that needed to use electricity(almost everything in my house). I can't do anything!

It's a good thing that it's raining. Or else i'll keep complaining because it's hot =D.

I'm gonna end here now. Gonna check out other thingz. =p


Friday, January 15, 2010

My mum's car

[Wan Fang]

Today my mum's car rosak in front of First Emporiem~

Don't ask me y cause i also don't noe y~

It's raining lagi one de ah~

Luckily my mum brought her umbrella =p

N also luckily not in the middle of the road

lol! =D

When my mum called back home she say hurry pass it to my dad~

I was really frighten cause i thought something bad happen to my mum (but it didn't of course)



Now i don't noe what to say le~



Thursday, January 14, 2010

My annoying cat fei fei n the storm!

[Wan Fang]

My annoying cat fei fei

I don't noe y my cat fei fei keep on mewing here n there.

It's very annoying!

When we let her go into our house, she wants us to play with her but the problem is we are very busy doing our homework or learning what teacher thought us today or other days~

She's sleeping right now so she didn't kacau me n ying. lol!


The Storm

It's freaking cold over here!

Keep on raining none-stop today!

Hate it so much!

Can't even go out n play or go out n sit on my swing to read my story books(=D)

Now its still raining....hard!

I have to shout to ying in order to talk to her.

And she also have to shout back to me in order to reply me or ask me anything.


Y do i have to say that => "And she also have to shout back to me in order to reply me or ask me anything"(?) It's common sense n i still want to repeat it. LoL!

Maybe it's cause i'm going crazy because of the rain

lol! jk =p

sampai sini only

lol =p


*good night*


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

[Wan Fang]

These days i don't know why I can't wake up at 5:30a.m. I kept on waking up at 5:45a.m or 6:00a.m~

I already slept early everyday but then I still can't get enough sleep.

Maybe there's something wrong with my brain~ lol! jk ^^=p

Today my mother made scones. When i got back home the first thought that i'd thought of was.....What did my mother bake this time!


It's very sudden cause my mother seldom bake cakes but only when there's special occasions~


gtg now~


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

At School~

[Wan Fang]

Today I went to the computer lab. Teacher told us bout our Test 1, Mid-Year, SPE and Final Test. Very boring ah~ But then after my teacher finish explaining bout those boring thingz,(although it's important~) we wentn check out our fb or some other things like that~


I noe now i keep on talking boring stuffs too..... but i can't help it cause i REALLY don't noe what to blog bout. Everyday is just the same~.....for me =D

Bah post until here..... cause i realll X10000000000000 don't noe what to talk bout =p

At least i have post something =D ^^


Saturday, January 9, 2010

[Wan Fang]

Hmm.....there's nothing much happening these days~

I've just only started schools though~

There's one new guy transfer from St.George to our school(Chung Hwa Middle School).

He looks really serious~

But one of my friend said his very friendly one when u get to noe him~


I really don't noe what to say le!

Bah type until her~

Bye~ =D