Sunday, January 31, 2010

Yesterday's dinner party~

[Wan Fang]

I don't even noe where i went i only noe that it's very boring over there!

The reception over there very low so when i'm using my dad's or my mum's phone it's very lagging. I have to find signal lagi~
But then it's kinda hilarious at the end cause everybody was drunk(except for all the girls n some of my father's friends)~

Especially one of my father's friend. And also another one. He kept on asking all of us ( the girls) to drink "jui". I drank 3 mouthful of whiskey n 1 mouthful of red wine. The whiskey was very untasteful! I think i would prefer drinking red wine than whiskey~

My father friends keep on singing ( because they are drunk ).

Me n ying had taken pictures with my cousin over there but i don't noe where my camera is now so maybe next time then only i will upload the pictures =D
I also have taken video my cousin n also my brother dinking red wine. But it's just for a while~
lol =p

bah gtg now~


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